Sunday, August 26, 2007

Confused Sally!

A confused girl with curly hair,
Almost sure, but never quite there.

Somewhat certain, but mostly uncertain;
She took six hours to buy a curtain!
One day I know she went to get some tea;
Then debated for hours and ordered coffee!

She then decided to go to college,
And gain some additional extra knowledge.
She thought it would help her decide,
And generally get all her loose ends tied!
She had it almost all thought out,
Only the course was in a bit of a doubt,
She couldn't decide whether take this subject or that,
Physics or chemistry, humanities or math!
So you see, she is still quite the same,
The only thing she is sure of, is her name!

1 comment:

Rashmi said...

Kinda reminds me of the 'Nowhere Man' by the Beatles... I'm sure you've heard it too...